The purpose of this page is to challenge me to open my eyes and truly see the world which surrounds me. So often we trudge though our daily routine, too busy or preoccupied to notice the little miracles happening all around us. I hope to capture, through the lens of a camera, glimpses of my sometimes mundane but glorious little world. I will attempt to post one snapshot each day to share with you. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29, 2012

The pups and I did another two mile walk this morning, but returned via the beach.  The was the first time they weren't terrified of the waves and seemed to enjoy digging in the sand.  Our return route brought us to our regular beach trail with this beautiful double blossom oleander bush in full bloom.  The fragrance was light, but the colors were vibrant.
Kailua, Hawaii

1 comment:

  1. that one is gorgeous - another picture of yours that I've got saved on my computer, so pretty, you're good at capturing the beauty of nature
