The purpose of this page is to challenge me to open my eyes and truly see the world which surrounds me. So often we trudge though our daily routine, too busy or preoccupied to notice the little miracles happening all around us. I hope to capture, through the lens of a camera, glimpses of my sometimes mundane but glorious little world. I will attempt to post one snapshot each day to share with you. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March 3, 2012

Our marina just happens to be responsible to renting, cleaning and maintaining these blow-up bounce contraptions.  With Spring in full swing and temperatures climbing, the frequency of these coming and going increases significantly.  Yes, I know, my Statistics professor is the iconic devil (or possibly angel) on my shoulder asking about the numbers and calculations that go along with my use of the word significantly.   When I arrived at the marina to drop the boys for sailing practice I saw this and thought, "That would be so cool to slide down and into the water, but probably unlikely due to some not so obscure insurance clause!"  But then the instructors came by and told me to grab my camera because they were going to let the kids ride!  There was some trepidation at first...... it didn't last long.  Woo Hoo!!!  I kind of wanted to join them, but I didn't have a suit.  Oh, well.  I guess it's best not to have to explain any kind of injury I most likely would have brought upon myself....
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii

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