The purpose of this page is to challenge me to open my eyes and truly see the world which surrounds me. So often we trudge though our daily routine, too busy or preoccupied to notice the little miracles happening all around us. I hope to capture, through the lens of a camera, glimpses of my sometimes mundane but glorious little world. I will attempt to post one snapshot each day to share with you. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

"The Iconic Triple Decker Epic Sandwich!"  That's what the boys call their latest lunch fixings.  It's a peanut butter, grape jelly and Nutella sandwich, with 3 pieces of wheat bread.  That must be why lately we're going through 3-4 loaves of bread each week.....  Asking Nate to hold off eating for just a moment while I took a picture was similar to taking the food dish away from the puppies.  And for the record, he didn't starve (as he claimed he would) while I snapped a few shots.
Kailua, Hawaii

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, my boys are going to love that! I bet they'll want to experiment and add bananas too. and your puppies food dish comment made me laugh :)
