The purpose of this page is to challenge me to open my eyes and truly see the world which surrounds me. So often we trudge though our daily routine, too busy or preoccupied to notice the little miracles happening all around us. I hope to capture, through the lens of a camera, glimpses of my sometimes mundane but glorious little world. I will attempt to post one snapshot each day to share with you. Enjoy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4, 2011

We have the Charney boys at our house this evening while Karen (the Mom) is hanging out with the PWOC group.  I love these boys.  I LOVE (even more) having them around my boys.  But.... when you get 5 young men together, with all schoolwork completed for the day, on a drizzly friday afternoon, playing video games...... well, let's just say a neighborhood walk was a welcome venture.   This is a shot of a neighbors cactus.  I'll admit, I've been meaning to get some photos of this, but just haven't had an opportunity.  I guess that's another reason to like those Charney boys.... they help me to step outside my normal, boring, everyday routine.  I'm going to do this a bit more this month because of some of the treasures I discovered this afternoon.  I can't wait to share!
Kailua, Hawaii

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful - I lived in Arizona a few years back, miss those desert flowers
