The purpose of this page is to challenge me to open my eyes and truly see the world which surrounds me. So often we trudge though our daily routine, too busy or preoccupied to notice the little miracles happening all around us. I hope to capture, through the lens of a camera, glimpses of my sometimes mundane but glorious little world. I will attempt to post one snapshot each day to share with you. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 2012

For Zach's final week of Biology he must complete his virtual dissections on ©Froguts.  I think this is the one and only time I didn't get any whining or complaining about starting a Science section!  I DID hear loads of "Eeeeewww....", "Yuck!" and "Ooooh, that is SO gross!"  But none of them seem to be compelled to step away from the computer screen.  Similar to an accident, we know we shouldn't gawk, but we just can't help ourselves!
Kailua, Hawaii

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